Atomistry » Zinc » PDB 7ubj-7uhy
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Zinc in PDB, part 472 (files: 18841-18880), PDB 7ubj-7uhy

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Zinc (Zn) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Zinc atoms. PDB files: 18841-18880 (PDB 7ubj-7uhy).
  1. 7ubj (Zn: 2) - Transcription Antitermination Factor Qlambda, Type-I Crystal
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  2. 7ubk (Zn: 2) - Transcription Antitermination Factor Qlambda, Type-II Crystal
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  3. 7ubl (Zn: 1) - Transcription Antitermination Factor Qlambda in Complex with Q-Lambda- Binding-Element Dna
  4. 7ubm (Zn: 3) - Transcription Antitermination Complex: "Pre-Engaged" Qlambda-Loading Complex
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  5. 7ubn (Zn: 3) - Transcription Antitermination Complex: Nusa-Containing "Engaged" Qlambda-Loading Complex
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  6. 7uc9 (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase with Nad and Trifluoroethanol at 45 K
    Other atoms: F (6);
  7. 7uca (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase with Nad and Trifluoroethanol at 65 K
    Other atoms: F (6);
  8. 7ucu (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase with Nad and Trifluoroethanol at 85K
    Other atoms: F (6);
  9. 7ud5 (Zn: 1) - Complex Between MLL1-Wrad and An H2B-Ubiquitinated Nucleosome
  10. 7udd (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase Complexed with Nad+ and 2,2,2- Trifluoroethanol at 150 K
    Other atoms: F (6);
  11. 7ude (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase with Nad and Trifluoroethanol at 125 K
    Other atoms: F (6);
  12. 7udr (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase with Nad and Pentafluorobenzyl Alcohol at 25 K
    Other atoms: F (10);
  13. 7uec (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase with Nad and Pentafluorobenzyl Alcohol at 50 K
    Other atoms: F (10);
  14. 7uee (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase with Nad and Pentafluorobenzyl Alcohol at 75 K
    Other atoms: F (10);
  15. 7uef (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase with Nad and Pentafluorobenzyl Alcohol at 85 K
    Other atoms: F (10);
  16. 7uei (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase with Nad and Pentafluorobenzyl Alcohol at 100 K, 1.2 A, Crystal 16
    Other atoms: F (10);
  17. 7uej (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase with Nad and Pentafluorobenzyl Alcohol at 150 K
    Other atoms: F (10);
  18. 7ufg (Zn: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of Papp-A in Complex with IGFBP5
  19. 7ufk (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Chimeric Omicron Rbd (Strain Ba.2) Complexed with Human ACE2
    Other atoms: Na (1); Cl (2);
  20. 7ufl (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Chimeric Omicron Rbd (Strain Ba.2) Complexed with Chimeric Mouse ACE2
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  21. 7ufr (Zn: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of BL_MAN38A at 2.7 A
  22. 7ufs (Zn: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of BL_MAN38B at 3.4 A
  23. 7uft (Zn: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of BL_MAN38C at 2.9 A
  24. 7ufu (Zn: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of BL_MAN38A Nucleophile Mutant in Complex with Mannose at 2.7 A
  25. 7uhh (Zn: 2) - Time-Resolved Structure of Metallo Beta-Lactamase L1 in A Complex with Non-Hydrolyzed Moxalactam (20 Ms Snapshot)
  26. 7uhi (Zn: 2) - Time-Resolved Structure of Metallo Beta-Lactamase L1 in A Complex with Non-Hydrolyzed Moxalactam (40 Ms Snapshot)
  27. 7uhj (Zn: 2) - Time-Resolved Structure of Metallo Beta-Lactamase L1 in A Complex with Non-Hydrolyzed Moxalactam (60 Ms Snapshot)
  28. 7uhk (Zn: 2) - Time-Resolved Structure of Metallo Beta-Lactamase L1 in A Complex with Non-Hydrolyzed Moxalactam (80 Ms Snapshot)
  29. 7uhl (Zn: 2) - Time-Resolved Structure of Metallo Beta-Lactamase L1 in A Complex with Non-Hydrolyzed Moxalactam (100 Ms Snapshot)
  30. 7uhm (Zn: 2) - Time-Resolved Structure of Metallo Beta-Lactamase L1 in A Complex with Cleaved Moxalactam (150 Ms Snapshot)
  31. 7uhn (Zn: 2) - Time-Resolved Structure of Metallo Beta-Lactamase L1 in A Complex with Cleaved Moxalactam (300 Ms Snapshot)
  32. 7uho (Zn: 2) - Time-Resolved Structure of Metallo Beta-Lactamase L1 in A Complex with Cleaved Moxalactam (500 Ms Snapshot)
  33. 7uhp (Zn: 2) - Time-Resolved Structure of Metallo Beta-Lactamase L1 in A Complex with Cleaved Moxalactam (2000 Ms Snapshot)
  34. 7uhq (Zn: 2) - Time-Resolved Structure of Metallo Beta-Lactamase L1 in A Complex with Cleaved Moxalactam (4000 Ms Snapshot)
  35. 7uhr (Zn: 1) - Time-Resolved Structure of Metallo Beta-Lactamase L1 Before Reaction (Dark-Set)
  36. 7uht (Zn: 1) - Ssx Structure of Metallo Beta-Lactamase L1 with One Zinc in the Active Site
  37. 7uhv (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase G173A, Complexed with Nad+ and 2,3, 4,5,6-Pentafluorobenzyl Alcohol at 50 K
    Other atoms: F (10);
  38. 7uhw (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase G173A, Complexed with Nad+ and 2,3, 4,5,6-Pentafluorobenzyl Alcohol at 120 K
    Other atoms: F (10);
  39. 7uhx (Zn: 4) - Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase G173A, Complexed with Nad+ and 2,3, 4,5,6-Pentafluorobenzyl Alcohol at 150 K
    Other atoms: F (10);
  40. 7uhy (Zn: 16) - Human GATOR2 Complex
Page generated: Wed Nov 27 21:04:34 2024

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