Atomistry » Zinc » PDB 7hl3-7jnz
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Zinc in PDB, part 450 (files: 17961-18000), PDB 7hl3-7jnz

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Zinc (Zn) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Zinc atoms. PDB files: 17961-18000 (PDB 7hl3-7jnz).
  1. 7hl3 (Zn: 2) - Group Deposition For Crystallographic Fragment Screening of the NS5 Rna-Dependent Rna Polymerase From Dengue Virus Serotype 2 -- Crystal Structure of the NS5 Rna-Dependent Rna Polymerase From Dengue Virus Serotype 2 in Complex with Z1741972704 (DNV2_NS5A-X1073)
  2. 7hl5 (Zn: 2) - Group Deposition For Crystallographic Fragment Screening of the NS5 Rna-Dependent Rna Polymerase From Dengue Virus Serotype 2 -- Crystal Structure of the NS5 Rna-Dependent Rna Polymerase From Dengue Virus Serotype 2 in Complex with Z44548882 (DNV2_NS5A-X1149)
  3. 7hl9 (Zn: 2) - Group Deposition For Crystallographic Fragment Screening of the NS5 Rna-Dependent Rna Polymerase From Dengue Virus Serotype 2 -- Crystal Structure of the NS5 Rna-Dependent Rna Polymerase From Dengue Virus Serotype 2 in Complex with Z53833304 (DNV2_NS5A-X1217)
  4. 7hoc (Zn: 2) - Group Deposition For Crystallographic Fragment Screening of Coxsackievirus A16 (G-10) 2A Protease -- Crystal Structure of Coxsackievirus A16 (G-10) 2A Protease in Complex with Z802821712 (A71EV2A-X0437)
  5. 7hoe (Zn: 2) - Group Deposition For Crystallographic Fragment Screening of Coxsackievirus A16 (G-10) 2A Protease -- Crystal Structure of Coxsackievirus A16 (G-10) 2A Protease in Complex with Z1148747945 (A71EV2A-X0487)
  6. 7hof (Zn: 2) - Group Deposition For Crystallographic Fragment Screening of Coxsackievirus A16 (G-10) 2A Protease -- Crystal Structure of Coxsackievirus A16 (G-10) 2A Protease in Complex with Z1201620232 (A71EV2A-X0514)
  7. 7hog (Zn: 1) - Group Deposition For Crystallographic Fragment Screening of Coxsackievirus A16 (G-10) 2A Protease -- Crystal Structure of Coxsackievirus A16 (G-10) 2A Protease in Complex with Z1216861874 (A71EV2A-X0525)
    Other atoms: F (2);
  8. 7hoi (Zn: 1) - Group Deposition For Crystallographic Fragment Screening of Coxsackievirus A16 (G-10) 2A Protease -- Crystal Structure of Coxsackievirus A16 (G-10) 2A Protease in Complex with POB0140 (A71EV2A-X1247)
  9. 7hzn (Zn: 1) - Group Deposition of Coxsackievirus A16 (G-10) 2A Protease in Complex with Inhibitors From the Asap Avidd Centre -- Crystal Structure of Coxsackievirus A16 (G-10) 2A Protease in Complex with Asap-0018764- 002 (A71EV2A-X2448)
  10. 7ico (Zn: 2) - Dna Polymerase Beta (E.C. Complex, Soaked in the Presence of ZNCL2
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  11. 7icp (Zn: 2) - Dna Polymerase Beta (Pol B) (E.C. Complexed with Six Base Pairs of Dna; Soaked in the Presence of ZNCL2 (0.01 Millimolar)
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  12. 7icq (Zn: 1) - Dna Polymerase Beta (E.C. Complex, Soaked in the Presence of ZNCL2
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  13. 7icr (Zn: 2) - Dna Polymerase Beta (E.C. Complex, Soaked in the Presence of ZNCL2
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  14. 7ict (Zn: 1) - Dna Polymerase Beta (E.C. Complex, Soaked in the Presence of ZNCL2 and MGCL2
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  15. 7ins (Zn: 1) - Structure of Porcine Insulin Cocrystallized with Clupeine Z
  16. 7jfs (Zn: 1) - The Structure of the CBM32-1, CBM32-2, and M60 Catalytic Domains From Clostridium Perfringens Zmpb
  17. 7jh6 (Zn: 12) - De Novo Designed Two-Domain Di-Zn(II) and Porphyrin-Binding Protein
    Other atoms: F (48);
  18. 7jhe (Zn: 2) - Room Temperature Structure of Sars-Cov-2 NSP10/NSP16 Methyltransferase in A Complex with 2'-O-Methylated M7GPPPA Cap-1 and Sah Determined By Fixed-Target Serial Crystallography
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  19. 7jhp (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Hras in Complex with the Ras-Binding and Cysteine-Rich Domains of Craf-Kinase
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  20. 7jib (Zn: 2) - Room Temperature Crystal Structure of NSP10/NSP16 From Sars-Cov-2 with Substrates and Products of 2'-O-Methylation of the Cap-1
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  21. 7jir (Zn: 5) - The Crystal Structure of Papain-Like Protease of Sars Cov-2 , C111S Mutant, in Complex with PLP_SNYDER457
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  22. 7jit (Zn: 5) - The Crystal Structure of Papain-Like Protease of Sars Cov-2 , C111S Mutant, in Complex with PLP_SNYDER495
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  23. 7jiv (Zn: 5) - The Crystal Structure of Papain-Like Protease of Sars Cov-2 , C111S Mutant, in Complex with PLP_SNYDER530
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  24. 7jiw (Zn: 4) - The Crystal Structure of Papain-Like Protease of Sars Cov-2 in Complex with PLP_SNYDER530
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  25. 7jj8 (Zn: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Zn(II)-Bound Znua-Like Domain of Streptococcus Pneumoniae Adca
  26. 7jj9 (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Zn(II)-Bound Adca From Streptococcus Pneumoniae
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  27. 7jjb (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Zn(II)-Bound Zint-Like Domain of Streptococcus Pneumoniae Adca
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Na (6);
  28. 7jl0 (Zn: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of MDA5-Dsrna in Complex with TRIM65 Pspry Domain (Monomer)
    Other atoms: F (4); Mg (1); Al (1);
  29. 7jl1 (Zn: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Rig-I:Dsrna in Complex with Riplet Pryspry Domain (Monomer)
    Other atoms: F (4); Mg (1); Al (1);
  30. 7jl2 (Zn: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of MDA5-Dsrna Filament in Complex with TRIM65 Pspry Domain (Trimer)
    Other atoms: F (12); Mg (3); Al (3);
  31. 7jl3 (Zn: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of Rig-I:Dsrna Filament in Complex with Riplet Pryspry Domain (Trimer)
    Other atoms: F (12); Mg (3); Al (3);
  32. 7jl5 (Zn: 4) - Crystal Structure of Human NEIL3 Tandem Zinc Finger Grf Domains
  33. 7jm5 (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of KDM4B in Complex with QC6352
    Other atoms: Ni (2);
  34. 7jn2 (Zn: 5) - The Crystal Structure of Papain-Like Protease of Sars Cov-2 in Complex with PLP_SNYDER441
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  35. 7jn3 (Zn: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of Rous Sarcoma Virus Cleaved Synaptic Complex (Csc) with Hiv-1 Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor Mk-2048
    Other atoms: F (2); Mg (4); Cl (2);
  36. 7jnr (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed with N-(5-Sulfamoyl-1,3,4-Thiadiazol- 2-Yl)Propionamide
  37. 7jnv (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed with N-(5-Sulfamoyl-1,3,4-Thiadiazol- 2-Yl)Butyramide
  38. 7jnw (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed with N-(5-Sulfamoyl-1,3,4-Thiadiazol- 2-Yl)Isobutyramide
  39. 7jnx (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed with N-(5-Sulfamoyl-1,3,4-Thiadiazol- 2-Yl)Pivalamide
  40. 7jnz (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed with N-(5-Sulfamoyl-1,3,4-Thiadiazol- 2-Yl)Cyclohexanecarboxamide
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 12:07:47 2025

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