Atomistry » Zinc » PDB 8uz2-8vcj
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Zinc in PDB, part 539 (files: 21521-21560), PDB 8uz2-8vcj

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Zinc (Zn) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Zinc atoms. PDB files: 21521-21560 (PDB 8uz2-8vcj).
  1. 8uz2 (Zn: 2) - E. Coli Acetyl-Coa Carboxylase, Narrow Helical Local Reconstruction, 3.18 Angstrom
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  2. 8uze (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Chimeric Bat Coronavirus Banal-20-236 Rbd Complexed with Chimeric Mouse ACE2
    Other atoms: Cl (2); Na (1);
  3. 8uzf (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Chimeric RATG13 Rbd Complexed with Chimeric Mouse ACE2
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  4. 8v0d (Zn: 5) - UBCH5B-RING3 of MIB1 Fusion Structure
  5. 8v15 (Zn: 2) - Human SIRT3 Bound to P53-Amc Peptide, Carba-Nad, and Honokiol
  6. 8v1j (Zn: 8) - Structure of An Allelic Variant of Puccinia Graminis F. Sp. Tritici (Pgt) Effector AVRSR27 (AVRSR27-1)
  7. 8v24 (Zn: 4) - Lapb Cytoplasmic Domain in Complex with Lpxc
  8. 8v2n (Zn: 1) - Human SIRT3 Co-Crystallized with Ligands, Including P53-Amc Peptide and Carba-Nad
  9. 8v2t (Zn: 1) - Phosphoheptose Isomerase Gmha From Burkholderia Pseudomallei Bound to Inhibitor MUT148591
    Other atoms: F (2); Na (1); Cl (1);
  10. 8v32 (Zn: 2) - Tnsd-Tnsc-Dna Complex
    Other atoms: Mg (7);
  11. 8v35 (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Hpsn From Cupriavidus Pinatubonensis
  12. 8v36 (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Dhps-3-Dehydrogenase, Hpsn From Cupriavidus Pinatubonensis in Complex with Nadh
  13. 8v37 (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Hpsn D352A Mutant From Cupriavidus Pinatubonensis in Complex with Nad+
  14. 8v3m (Zn: 1) - CCP5 Apo Structure
  15. 8v3o (Zn: 1) - CCP5 in Complex with Glu-P-Peptide 1 Transition State Analog
    Other atoms: K (1);
  16. 8v3p (Zn: 1) - CCP5 in Complex with Glu-P-Peptide 2 Transition State Analog
  17. 8v3q (Zn: 1) - Structure of CCP5 CLASS1
  18. 8v3r (Zn: 1) - Structure of CCP5 CLASS2
  19. 8v3s (Zn: 1) - Structure of CCP5 CLASS3
  20. 8v4j (Zn: 1) - Phosphoheptose Isomerase Gmha From Burkholderia Pseudomallei Bound to Inhibitor MUT148233
    Other atoms: Na (1); Cl (1);
  21. 8v4k (Zn: 1) - CCP5 in Complex with Microtubules CLASS1
    Other atoms: Mg (4);
  22. 8v4l (Zn: 1) - CCP5 in Complex with Microtubules CLASS2
    Other atoms: Mg (4);
  23. 8v4m (Zn: 1) - CCP5 in Complex with Microtubules CLASS3
    Other atoms: Mg (4);
  24. 8v4s (Zn: 6) - Cryo-Em Structure of the Rat P2X7 Receptor in the Apo Closed State Purified in the Absence of Sodium
  25. 8v5m (Zn: 3) - Tetramer Core Subcomplex (Conformation 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase
  26. 8v5n (Zn: 3) - Tetramer Core Subcomplex (Conformation 2) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase
  27. 8v5o (Zn: 3) - Tetramer Core Subcomplex (Conformation 3) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase
  28. 8v5u (Zn: 1) - Human SIRT3 Bound to P53-Amc Peptide and Honokiol
  29. 8v6g (Zn: 3) - Dna Initiation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase
    Other atoms: Fe (4); Mg (2);
  30. 8v6h (Zn: 3) - Dna Initiation Complex (Configuration 2) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Fe (4);
  31. 8v6i (Zn: 3) - Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 1) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Fe (4);
  32. 8v6j (Zn: 3) - Dna Elongation Complex (Configuration 2) of Xenopus Laevis Dna Polymerase Alpha-Primase
    Other atoms: Fe (4); Mg (2);
  33. 8val (Zn: 4) - Structure of the E. Coli Clamp Loader Bound to the Beta Clamp in A Open-Dnap/T Conformation
    Other atoms: F (9); Mg (3);
  34. 8vam (Zn: 4) - Structure of the E. Coli Clamp Loader Bound to the Beta Clamp in A Semi-Open Conformation
    Other atoms: Mg (3); F (9);
  35. 8vap (Zn: 4) - Structure of the E. Coli Clamp Loader Bound to the Beta Clamp in A Fully-Open Conformation
    Other atoms: F (9); Mg (3);
  36. 8vaq (Zn: 4) - Structure of the E. Coli Clamp Loader Bound to the Beta Clamp in A Closed-DNA1 Conformation
    Other atoms: Mg (3); F (9);
  37. 8var (Zn: 4) - Structure of the E. Coli Clamp Loader Bound to the Beta Clamp in A Closed-DNA2 Conformation
    Other atoms: F (9); Mg (3);
  38. 8vas (Zn: 4) - Structure of the E. Coli Clamp Loader Bound to the Beta Clamp in An Altered-Collar Conformation
    Other atoms: F (9); Mg (3);
  39. 8vc5 (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Glutamyl-Trna Synthetase Glurs From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (Zinc Bound)
  40. 8vcj (Zn: 2) - Cryoem Structure of the Tnsc(1-503)-Tnsd(1-318)-Dna Complex in A 7:2:1 Stoichiometry From E. Coli TN7 Bound to Atpgs and Adp
    Other atoms: Mg (7);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 12:11:38 2025

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