Zinc in PDB, part 366 (files: 14601-14640),
PDB 6go1-6h0v
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Zinc (Zn) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Zinc atoms. PDB files: 14601-14640 (PDB 6go1-6h0v).
6go1 (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of A Bacillus Anthracis Peptidoglycan Deacetylase
6go2 (Zn: 1) - Carboxypeptidase T with N-Sulfamoyl-L-Leucine
Other atoms:
Ca (4);
6gos (Zn: 2) - E. Coli Microcin Synthetase Mcbbcd Complex with Pro-MCCB17 Bound
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
6got (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II in Complex with the Inhibitor 4-(Phenethylthio)Benzenesulfonamide
6gov (Zn: 2) - Structure of the Rna Polymerase Lambda-Based Antitermination Complex
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
6gpg (Zn: 1) - Structure of the Rig-I Singleton-Merten Syndrome Variant C268F
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
6gps (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of CCR2A in Complex with Mk-0812
Other atoms:
F (3);
6gpx (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of CCR2A in Complex with Mk-0812
Other atoms:
F (6);
6gpz (Zn: 8) - Cell Division Regulator Gpsb in Complex with Peptide Fragment of L. Monocytogenes Penicillin Binding Protein PBPA1
6gqd (Zn: 1) - Structure of Human Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridylyltransferase (Galt), with Crystallization Epitope Mutations A21Y:A22T:T23P:R25L
6grg (Zn: 2) - E. Coli Microcin Synthetase Mcbbcd Complex with Pro-MCCB17, Adp and Phosphate Bound
Other atoms:
Mg (3);
Cl (1);
6grh (Zn: 2) - E. Coli Microcin Synthetase Mcbbcd Complex with Truncated Pro-MCCB17 Bound
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
6gri (Zn: 2) - E. Coli Microcin Synthetase Mcbbcd Complex
Other atoms:
Cl (3);
6gs2 (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Gatd/Murt Enzyme Complex From Staphylococcus Aureus
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
6guu (Zn: 4) - Structure of CHD5 PHD2 - Tandem Chromodomains
6gv0 (Zn: 2) - Insulin Glulisine
6gvw (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of the BRCA1-A Complex
6gw8 (Zn: 60) - Zn(II) Form of Shortened Metallothionein From Pseudomonas Fluorescens Q2-87 (Residues 1-52)
6gwu (Zn: 4) - Carbonic Anhydrase CANCE103P From Candida Albicans
6gx3 (Zn: 4) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni HDAC8 Complexed with An Hydroxamate 1
Other atoms:
K (8);
Cl (8);
6gxa (Zn: 4) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni HDAC8 Complexed with An Hydroxamate 2
Other atoms:
K (8);
Cl (4);
6gxb (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase Caix Mimic in Complex with Inhibitor JS13
6gxe (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase Caix Mimic in Complex with Inhibitor JS14
6gxq (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of T. Brucei Pde-B1 Catalytic Domain with Inhibitor Npd-1335
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
6gxu (Zn: 4) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni HDAC8 Complexed with An Hydroxamate 3
Other atoms:
K (8);
Cl (4);
6gxw (Zn: 4) - Crystal Structure of Schistosoma Mansoni HDAC8 Complexed with An Hydroxamate 4
Other atoms:
K (8);
Cl (8);
6gyk (Zn: 9) - Structure of A Yeast Closed Complex (Core CC1)
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
6gyl (Zn: 10) - Structure of A Yeast Closed Complex with Distorted Dna (Core Ccdist)
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
6gym (Zn: 16) - Structure of A Yeast Closed Complex with Distorted Dna (Ccdist)
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
Fe (4);
6gyr (Zn: 14) - Transcription Factor Dimerization Activates the P300 Acetyltransferase
6gys (Zn: 8) - Cryo-Em Structure of the CBF3-CEN3 Complex of the Budding Yeast Kinetochore
6gyt (Zn: 4) - Transcription Factor Dimerization Activates the P300 Acetyltransferase
6gyu (Zn: 2) - Cryo-Em Structure of the CBF3-Msk Complex of the Budding Yeast Kinetochore
6gzu (Zn: 1) - Structure of Chlamydia Abortus Effector Protein Chladub
6gzy (Zn: 8) - Hoip-FRAGMENT5 Complex
Other atoms:
Na (2);
6h0f (Zn: 8) - Structure of DDB1-Crbn-Pomalidomide Complex Bound to IKZF1(ZF2)
6h0g (Zn: 4) - Structure of the DDB1-Crbn-Pomalidomide Complex Bound to ZNF692(ZF4)
6h0s (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Complex Between the Lactococcus Lactis Fpg Mutant G226P and A Fapy-Dg Containing Dna
6h0t (Zn: 8) - Crystal Structure of Native Recombinant Human Bile Salt Activated Lipase
6h0v (Zn: 5) - Crystal Structure of Tabun Surrogate Nedpa Inhibited Recombinant Human Bile Salt Activated Lipase
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 18:22:04 2025