Zinc in PDB, part 549 (files: 21921-21960),
PDB 9asm-9bwj
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Zinc (Zn) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Zinc atoms. PDB files: 21921-21960 (PDB 9asm-9bwj).
9asm (Zn: 2) - Human Drosha and DGCR8 in Complex with Pri-Let-7F1
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
9asn (Zn: 2) - Human Drosha and DGCR8 in Complex with Pri-Mir-98
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
9aso (Zn: 2) - Human Drosha and DGCR8 in Complex with Pri-Let-7A2
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
9asp (Zn: 2) - Human Drosha and DGCR8 in Complex with Pri-Let-7A1
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
9asq (Zn: 2) - Human Drosha, DGCR8 and SRSF3 in Complex with Pri-Let-7F1
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
9atc (Zn: 1) - Atcase Y165F Mutant
9atn (Zn: 60) - uc(Nmr) Structure of the MLL4 PHD2/3 Fingers in Complex with ASXL2
9avt (Zn: 1) - Structure of TAB2 Nzf Domain Bound to K6 / LYS6-Linked Diubiquitin
9avw (Zn: 1) - Structure of TAB2 Nzf Domain Bound to K6 / LYS6-Linked Diubiquitin
9ay8 (Zn: 5) - Structure of the A Type Blood Alpha-D-Galactosamine Galactosaminidase From Flavonifractor Plautii
Other atoms:
Mn (5);
Co (5);
Cl (5);
9ayu (Zn: 5) - Structure of the A Type Blood Alpha-D-Galactosamine Galactosaminidase D463A Mutant From Flavonifractor Plautii
Other atoms:
Cl (5);
Mn (5);
9azi (Zn: 20) - uc(Nmr) Solution Structure of Cell-Permeant Miniature Protein ZF5.3
9azj (Zn: 2) - Structure of Ubiquitinated Nemo Uban K285C-Ub G76C Bound to Hoip NZF1
9b0b (Zn: 2) - Structure of Optineurin Bound to Hoip NZF1 Domain
9b0l (Zn: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Acanthamoeba Polyphaga Mimivirus FANZOR2 Ternary Complex
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
9b0z (Zn: 2) - Structure of Optineurin Bound to Hoip NZF1 Domain and M1-Linked Diubiquitin, Crystal Form 2
9b12 (Zn: 4) - Structure of Optineurin Bound to Hoip NZF1 Domain and M1-Linked Diubiquitin, Crystal Form 1
Other atoms:
Cl (3);
9b33 (Zn: 2) - Structure of Concanavalin A (Cona) Dimer From the Open-State Structure of Kainate Receptor GLUK2 in Complex with Agonist Glutamate and Positive Allosteric Modulator BPAM344 Bound to One Cona Dimer. Type II Interface Between GLUK2 Ligand-Binding Domain and Cona
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
9b34 (Zn: 2) - Structure of Concanavalin A (Cona) Dimer From the Open-State Structure of Kainate Receptor GLUK2 in Complex with Agonist Glutamate and Positive Allosteric Modulator BPAM344 Bound to Two Cona Dimers. Type I Interface Between GLUK2 Ligand-Binding Domain and Cona
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
9b36 (Zn: 4) - Open State of Kainate Receptor GLUK2 in Complex with Agonist Glutamate and Positive Allosteric Modulator BPAM344 Bound to Two Concanavalin A Dimers. Composite Map.
Other atoms:
Ca (4);
F (4);
9b37 (Zn: 2) - Open State of Kainate Receptor GLUK2 in Complex with Agonist Glutamate and Positive Allosteric Modulator BPAM344 Bound to One Concanavalin A Dimer. Composite Map.
Other atoms:
F (4);
Ca (2);
9b4p (Zn: 10) - Tetramer Formation of the BCL11A ZF0 Domain
9b4r (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Mras Bound to Gmppnp
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
9bap (Zn: 1) - Cryoem Structure of Apo-DIM2
9baq (Zn: 1) - Cryoem Structure of DIM2-HP1-H3K9ME3-Dna Complex
9baz (Zn: 1) - Cryoem Structure of DIM2-HP1 Complex
9bct (Zn: 8) - Cryo-Em Structure of Thermococcus Kodakarensis Ftta-Dependent Transcription Pre-Termination Complex Containing 44 Nt Rna
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
9bcu (Zn: 8) - Cryo-Em Structure of Thermococcus Kodakarensis Ftta-Dependent Transcription Pre-Termination Complex Containing 52 Nt Rna
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
9bdy (Zn: 102) - At-Centric Nf-Kappab Rela Binding Dna
9bdz (Zn: 102) - Ta-Centric Nf-Kappab Rela Binding Dna
9be0 (Zn: 102) - Gc-Centric Nf-Kappab Rela Binding Dna
9be1 (Zn: 103) - Cg-Centric Nf-Kappab Rela Binding Dna
9bgl (Zn: 5) - Complex of Zinc Finger Antiviral Protein Rbd and Khnyn Ctd
9bkd (Zn: 3) - The Structure of Human PDCD4 Bound to the 40S Small Ribosomal Subunit
Other atoms:
K (19);
Mg (88);
9bv0 (Zn: 20) - uc(Nmr) Structure of the Z0 Cchc Zinc-Finger of Transcription Repressor BCL11A
9bvt (Zn: 8) - Rna Pol II - High Mn(+2) Concentration
Other atoms:
Mn (2);
9bw0 (Zn: 8) - Rna Polymerase II - No Atp
9bw1 (Zn: 2) - Tnsabcd-Dna Transpososome
Other atoms:
Mg (11);
9bwg (Zn: 10) - Homomeric ALPHA3 Glycine Receptor in the Presence of 0.1 Mm Glycine and 0.1 Mm Zinc in A Desensitized State
9bwj (Zn: 10) - Homomeric ALPHA3 Glycine Receptor in the Presence of 0.1 Mm Glycine and 0.1 Mm Zinc in An Apo State
Page generated: Sun Feb 9 01:00:24 2025