Zinc in PDB, part 64 (files: 2521-2560),
PDB 2b8k-2bnm
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Zinc (Zn) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Zinc atoms. PDB files: 2521-2560 (PDB 2b8k-2bnm).
2b8k (Zn: 8) - 12-Subunit Rna Polymerase II
2b8o (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Glu-Gly-Arg-Chloromethyl Ketone-Factor Viia/Soluble Tissue Factor Complex
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Ca (6);
Cl (3);
Na (1);
2b8t (Zn: 4) - Crystal Structure of Thymidine Kinase From U.Urealyticum in Complex with Thymidine
2b9d (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Hpv E7 CR3 Domain
2ba1 (Zn: 3) - Archaeal Exosome Core
2bai (Zn: 20) - The Zinc Finger Domain of Mengovirus Leader Polypeptide
2bb0 (Zn: 2) - Structure of Imidazolonepropionase From Bacillus Subtilis
2bbf (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Trna-Guanine Transglycosylase (Tgt) From Zymomonas Mobilis in Complex with 6-Amino-3,7-Dihydro- Imidazo[4,5-G]Quinazolin-8-One
2bc2 (Zn: 2) - Metallo Beta-Lactamase II From Bacillus Cereus 569/H/9 at pH 6.0, Trigonal Crystal Form
2bcn (Zn: 2) - Solvent Isotope Effects on Interfacial Protein Electron Transfer Between Cytochrome C and Cytochrome C Peroxidase
Other atoms:
Fe (1);
2bco (Zn: 2) - X-Ray Structure of Succinylglutamate Desuccinalase From Vibrio Parahaemolyticus (Rimd 2210633) at the Resolution 2.3 A, Northeast Structural Genomics Target VPR14
2bdh (Zn: 1) - Human Kallikrein 4 Complex with Zinc and P-Aminobenzamidine
2be5 (Zn: 4) - Crystal Structure of the T. Thermophilus Rna Polymerase Holoenzyme in Complex with Inhibitor Tagetitoxin
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
2be7 (Zn: 3) - Crystal Structure of the Unliganded (T-State) Aspartate Transcarbamoylase of the Psychrophilic Bacterium Moritella Profunda
2be9 (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Ctp-Liganded (T-State) Aspartate Transcarbamoylase From the Extremely Thermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus Acidocaldarius
2bed (Zn: 1) - Structure of Fpt Bound to Inhibitor SCH207736
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
2bf9 (Zn: 1) - Anisotropic Refinement of Avian (Turkey) Pancreatic Polypeptide at 0.99 Angstroms Resolution.
2bfk (Zn: 4) - Bacillus Cereus Metallo-Beta-Lactamase (Bcii) Arg (121) Cys Mutant. Solved at PH7 Using 20MM ZNSO4 in Buffer. 1MM Dtt Was Used As A Reducing Agent
2bfl (Zn: 4) - Bacillus Cereus Metallo-Beta-Lactamase (Bcii) Arg (121) Cys Mutant. Solved at PH5 Using 20MM ZNSO4 in Buffer. 1MM Dtt Was Used As A Reducing Agent.
2bfz (Zn: 2) - Bacillus Cereus Metallo-Beta-Lactamase (Bcii) Arg (121) Cys Mutant. Solved at PH4.5 Using 20MM ZNSO4 in Buffer. 1MM Dtt Was Used As A Reducing Agent. CYS221 Is Oxidized.
2bg2 (Zn: 4) - Bacillus Cereus Metallo-Beta-Lactamase (Bcii) Arg (121) Cys Mutant. Solved at PH4.5 Using 20MM ZNSO4 in the Buffer. 1MM Dtt and 1MM Tcep-Hcl Were Used As Reducing Agents. CYS221 Is Reduced.
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
2bg6 (Zn: 2) - Bacillus Cereus Metallo-Beta-Lactamase (Bcii) Arg (121) Cys Mutant. Solved at PH5 Using 20 Micromolar ZNSO4 in the Buffer. 1MM Dtt Was Used As A Reducing Agent. CYS221 Is Oxidized.
2bg7 (Zn: 2) - Bacillus Cereus Metallo-Beta-Lactamase (Bcii) Arg (121) Cys Mutant. Solved at PH4.5 Using 20 Micromolar ZNSO4 in the Buffer. 1MM Dtt Was Used As A Reducing Agent. CYS221 Is Oxidized.
2bg8 (Zn: 2) - Bacillus Cereus Metallo-Beta-Lactamase (Bcii) Arg (121) Cys Mutant. Solved at PH4.5 Using 20 Micromolar ZNSO4 in the Buffer. 1MM Dtt and 1MM Tcep-Hcl Were Used As Reducing Agents.
2bga (Zn: 2) - Bacillus Cereus Metallo-Beta-Lactamase (Bcii) Arg (121) Cys Mutant. Solved at PH7 Using 20 Micromolar ZNSO4 in the Buffer. 1MM Dtt Was Used As A Reducing Agent. CYS221 Is Oxidized.
2bgn (Zn: 4) - Hiv-1 Tat Protein Derived N-Terminal Nonapeptide TRP2-Tat (1-9) Bound to the Active Site of Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (CD26)
2bh3 (Zn: 4) - Zn Substituted E.Coli Aminopeptidase P in Complex with Product
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
2bh7 (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Semet Derivative of Amid at 2.2 Angstroms
2bhb (Zn: 4) - Zn Substituted E. Coli Aminopeptidase P
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
2bib (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Complete Modular Teichioic Acid Phosphorylcholine Esterase Pce (Cbpe) From Streptococcus Pneumoniae
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
2bim (Zn: 2) - Human P53 Core Domain Mutant M133L-V203A-N239Y-N268D-R273H
2bin (Zn: 1) - Human P53 Core Domain Mutant M133L-H168R-V203A-N239Y-N268D
2bio (Zn: 1) - Human P53 Core Domain Mutant M133L-V203A-N239Y-R249S-N268D
2bip (Zn: 1) - Human P53 Core Domain Mutant M133L-H168R-V203A-N239Y-R249S- N268D
2biq (Zn: 1) - Human P53 Core Domain Mutant T123A-M133L-H168R-V203A-N239Y- R249S-N268D
2bjr (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Nematode Sperm Cell Motility Protein MFP2B
2bl6 (Zn: 60) - Solution Structure of the Zn Complex of Eiav NCP11(22-58) Peptide, Including Two Cchc Zn-Binding Motifs.
2bmi (Zn: 4) - Metallo-Beta-Lactamase
Other atoms:
Na (2);
2bn7 (Zn: 1) - Mn Substituted E. Coli Aminopeptidase P in Complex with Product and Zn
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
Mn (2);
2bnm (Zn: 2) - The Structure of Hydroxypropylphosphonic Acid Epoxidase From S. Wedmorenis.
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 18:10:30 2025