Atomistry » Zinc » PDB 6ogo-6oue
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Zinc in PDB, part 389 (files: 15521-15560), PDB 6ogo-6oue

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Zinc (Zn) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Zinc atoms. PDB files: 15521-15560 (PDB 6ogo-6oue).
  1. 6ogo (Zn: 6) - Crystal Structure of Ndm-9 Metallo-Beta-Lactamase
    Other atoms: Cl (9);
  2. 6oh9 (Zn: 1) - Yeast Guanine Deaminase
  3. 6oha (Zn: 1) - Yeast Guanine Deaminase
  4. 6ohb (Zn: 4) - E. Coli Guanine Deaminase
  5. 6ohc (Zn: 4) - E. Coli Guanine Deaminase
  6. 6oie (Zn: 8) - The Double Phd Finger (Dpf) of Morf in Complex with Histone H3K14CR
  7. 6oin (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Myst Acetyltransferase Domain in Complex with Inhibitor Ctx-124143
    Other atoms: F (1);
  8. 6oio (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Myst Acetyltransferase Domain in Complex with Inhibitor 60
  9. 6oip (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Myst Acetyltransferase Domain in Complex with Inhibitor 34
    Other atoms: F (1);
  10. 6oiq (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Myst Acetyltransferase Domain in Complex with Inhibitor 63
    Other atoms: F (1);
  11. 6oir (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of Myst Acetyltransferase Domain in Complex with Inhibitor 62
    Other atoms: F (1);
  12. 6oiu (Zn: 8) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of the Ectodomain of the Toxoplasma Gondii ME49 Aminopeptidase N (TGME49_224350)
  13. 6ok1 (Zn: 2) - LTP2-CHSH2(DUF35) Aldolase
    Other atoms: Cl (7); Na (2);
  14. 6okk (Zn: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of the Plasmodium Falciparum 80S Ribosome Bound to the Anti-Protozoan Drug Emetine, Small Subunit
    Other atoms: Mg (67);
  15. 6ol8 (Zn: 4) - Crystal Structure of Ndm-12 Metallo-Beta-Lactamase in Complex with Hydrolyzed Ampicillin
    Other atoms: Cl (5); Na (2);
  16. 6om4 (Zn: 2) - The Structure of Microcin C7 Biosynthetic Enzyme Mccb in Complex with N-Formylated Mcca
    Other atoms: Mg (4);
  17. 6ome (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of A Probable Cytosol Aminopeptidase (Leucine Aminopeptidase, Lap) From Chlamydia Trachomatis D/Uw-3/Cx
    Other atoms: Cl (2); Na (4);
  18. 6omf (Zn: 2) - Cryoem Structure of Sigmas-Transcription Initiation Complex with Activator Crl
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  19. 6omk (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Glycylpeptide N-Tetradecanoyltransferase (N- Myristoyl Transferase, Nmt) From Leishmania Major Friedlin Bound to Tetradecanoyl-Coa
  20. 6on4 (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Gntr-Type Sialoregulator Nanr From Escherichia Coli, in Complex with Sialic Acid
  21. 6on5 (Zn: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Zn-Bound Domain-Swapped Dimer Q108K:T51D:A28C:L36C:F57H Mutant of Human Cellular Retinol Binding Protein II
  22. 6op6 (Zn: 3) - Structure of Vim-20 in the Reduced State
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  23. 6op7 (Zn: 2) - Structure of Oxidized Vim-20
  24. 6oq5 (Zn: 1) - Structure of the Full-Length Clostridium Difficile Toxin B in Complex with 3 Vhhs
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  25. 6os6 (Zn: 2) - Crystal Structure of Cymd Prenyltransferase Complexed with L- Tryptophan and Dmspp
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  26. 6ot4 (Zn: 6) - Bimetallic Dodecameric Cage Design 2 (BMC2) From Cytochrome CB562
    Other atoms: Fe (10);
  27. 6ot7 (Zn: 7) - Bimetallic Dodecameric Cage Design 3 (BMC3) From Cytochrome CB562
    Other atoms: Fe (9);
  28. 6ot8 (Zn: 3) - Bimetallic Hexameric Cage Design 4 (BMC4) From Cytochrome CB562
    Other atoms: Fe (3);
  29. 6ot9 (Zn: 6) - Bimetallic Dodecameric Cage Design 1 (BMC1) From Cytochrome CB562
    Other atoms: Fe (6);
  30. 6otf (Zn: 3) - Symmetric Reconstruction of Human Norovirus Gii.2 Snow Mountain Virus Strain Vlp in T=3 Symmetry
  31. 6oti (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase IX Mimic Complexed with Ureic Benzene Sulfonamide MB9-561B
  32. 6otk (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase IX Mimic Complexed with Ureido Benzene Sulfonamide MB10-596B
  33. 6otm (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase IX Mimic Complexed with Ureic Benzene Sulfonamide MB10-586B
  34. 6oto (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed with Ureic Benzene Sulfonamide MB9- 561B
  35. 6otp (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed with Ureic Benzene Sulfonamide MB10- 586B
  36. 6otq (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed with Ureic Benzene Sulfonamide MB10- 596B
  37. 6oub (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed with Benzene Sulfonamide MB11-694B
  38. 6ouc (Zn: 1) - Asymmetric Focsued Reconstruction of Human Norovirus Gii.2 Snow Mountain Virus Strain Vlp Asymmetric Unit in T=1 Symmetry
  39. 6oud (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase IX Mimic Complexed with Benzene Sulfonamide MB11- 694B
  40. 6oue (Zn: 1) - Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed with Benzene Sulfonamide MB11-707A
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 18:22:56 2025

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