Atomistry » Zinc » PDB 8vg0-8vne » 8vmi
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Zinc in PDB 8vmi: PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3

Enzymatic activity of PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3

All present enzymatic activity of PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3:;

Zinc Binding Sites:

The binding sites of Zinc atom in the PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3 (pdb code 8vmi). This binding sites where shown within 5.0 Angstroms radius around Zinc atom.
In total 7 binding sites of Zinc where determined in the PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3, PDB code: 8vmi:
Jump to Zinc binding site number: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7;

Zinc binding site 1 out of 7 in 8vmi

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Zinc binding site 1 out of 7 in the PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Zinc with other atoms in the Zn binding site number 1 of PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3 within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

SG C:CYS534 2.3 88.3 1.0
SG C:CYS523 2.3 81.3 1.0
SG C:CYS530 2.3 97.0 1.0
NE2 C:HIS525 3.4 93.9 1.0
CB C:CYS530 3.4 97.0 1.0
ZN C:ZN803 3.4 98.1 1.0
SG C:CYS543 3.6 67.6 1.0
CB C:CYS549 3.7 80.1 1.0
CB C:CYS523 3.7 81.3 1.0
SG C:CYS549 3.9 80.1 1.0
CB C:CYS534 4.0 88.3 1.0
CD2 C:HIS525 4.2 93.9 1.0
CA C:CYS549 4.3 80.1 1.0
CA C:CYS530 4.3 97.0 1.0
CE1 C:HIS525 4.4 93.9 1.0
O C:CYS523 4.4 81.3 1.0
SG C:CYS547 4.6 69.8 1.0
ZN C:ZN802 4.8 128.7 1.0
CA C:CYS523 4.8 81.3 1.0
N C:CYS549 4.8 80.1 1.0
C C:CYS523 4.8 81.3 1.0
SG C:CYS536 4.9 79.3 1.0
CB C:CYS536 4.9 79.3 1.0

Zinc binding site 2 out of 7 in 8vmi

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Zinc binding site 2 out of 7 in the PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Zinc with other atoms in the Zn binding site number 2 of PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3 within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

SG C:CYS536 2.3 79.3 1.0
SG C:CYS543 2.3 67.6 1.0
SG C:CYS547 2.3 69.8 1.0
CB C:CYS536 2.7 79.3 1.0
CA C:CYS543 3.1 67.6 1.0
CB C:CYS543 3.2 67.6 1.0
CE1 C:TYR520 3.3 60.5 1.0
N C:CYS543 3.7 67.6 1.0
SG C:CYS523 3.8 81.3 1.0
CB C:CYS547 3.9 69.8 1.0
CD1 C:TYR520 4.0 60.5 1.0
O C:PHE542 4.0 65.8 1.0
C C:PHE542 4.1 65.8 1.0
CA C:CYS536 4.2 79.3 1.0
CZ C:TYR520 4.2 60.5 1.0
OH C:TYR520 4.3 60.5 1.0
C C:CYS543 4.4 67.6 1.0
O C:ASN541 4.5 74.4 1.0
O C:GLN521 4.6 64.7 1.0
N C:GLU544 4.6 57.5 1.0
ND2 C:ASN555 4.7 68.3 1.0
ZN C:ZN801 4.8 145.3 1.0
N C:CYS536 4.9 79.3 1.0
N C:CYS523 4.9 81.3 1.0

Zinc binding site 3 out of 7 in 8vmi

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Zinc binding site 3 out of 7 in the PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Zinc with other atoms in the Zn binding site number 3 of PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3 within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

CB C:CYS549 2.0 80.1 1.0
SG C:CYS549 2.3 80.1 1.0
SG C:CYS553 2.3 74.3 1.0
SG C:CYS543 2.8 67.6 1.0
CB C:CYS543 3.2 67.6 1.0
CB C:CYS553 3.3 74.3 1.0
ZN C:ZN801 3.4 145.3 1.0
CA C:CYS549 3.5 80.1 1.0
SG C:CYS530 4.0 97.0 1.0
N C:CYS549 4.1 80.1 1.0
CB C:CYS547 4.2 69.8 1.0
CB C:CYS530 4.3 97.0 1.0
C C:CYS549 4.4 80.1 1.0
SG C:CYS547 4.5 69.8 1.0
N C:SER550 4.6 79.7 1.0
CB C:ASN555 4.7 68.3 1.0
CA C:CYS543 4.7 67.6 1.0
CA C:CYS553 4.8 74.3 1.0
ND2 C:ASN555 4.8 68.3 1.0
SG C:CYS523 4.9 81.3 1.0

Zinc binding site 4 out of 7 in 8vmi

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Zinc binding site 4 out of 7 in the PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Zinc with other atoms in the Zn binding site number 4 of PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3 within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

SG C:CYS571 2.3 55.8 1.0
SG C:CYS562 2.3 65.8 1.0
SG C:CYS566 2.3 51.1 1.0
SG C:CYS560 2.3 64.9 1.0
ZN C:ZN805 2.7 101.6 1.0
CB C:CYS560 3.2 64.9 1.0
CB C:CYS566 3.4 51.1 1.0
CB C:CYS571 3.7 55.8 1.0
CB C:CYS588 3.8 62.6 1.0
SG C:CYS580 3.8 55.9 1.0
CB C:CYS562 3.9 65.8 1.0
ZN C:ZN806 4.0 83.0 1.0
CA C:CYS560 4.3 64.9 1.0
CA C:CYS566 4.4 51.1 1.0
SG C:CYS588 4.4 62.6 1.0
SG C:CYS573 4.6 56.7 1.0
SG C:CYS601 4.8 58.5 1.0
N C:CYS562 4.8 65.8 1.0
CA C:CYS562 4.9 65.8 1.0
CA C:CYS571 4.9 55.8 1.0

Zinc binding site 5 out of 7 in 8vmi

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Zinc binding site 5 out of 7 in the PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Zinc with other atoms in the Zn binding site number 5 of PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3 within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

SG C:CYS601 2.3 58.5 1.0
SG C:CYS588 2.3 62.6 1.0
SG C:CYS580 2.3 55.9 1.0
ZN C:ZN804 2.7 100.2 1.0
CB C:CYS588 2.8 62.6 1.0
SG C:CYS560 2.8 64.9 1.0
SG C:CYS566 2.9 51.1 1.0
CB C:CYS566 3.2 51.1 1.0
CB C:CYS580 3.4 55.9 1.0
ZN C:ZN806 3.5 83.0 1.0
CB C:CYS560 4.1 64.9 1.0
CB C:CYS601 4.1 58.5 1.0
SG C:CYS562 4.2 65.8 1.0
CA C:CYS588 4.3 62.6 1.0
CB C:ASN603 4.5 50.7 1.0
CB C:CYS585 4.5 58.8 1.0
CA C:CYS566 4.6 51.1 1.0
O C:CYS601 4.7 58.5 1.0
CA C:CYS580 4.7 55.9 1.0
CA C:CYS601 4.8 58.5 1.0
SG C:CYS571 4.8 55.8 1.0
SG C:CYS585 4.9 58.8 1.0
C C:CYS588 4.9 62.6 1.0
CB C:ALA590 5.0 65.3 1.0

Zinc binding site 6 out of 7 in 8vmi

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Zinc binding site 6 out of 7 in the PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Zinc with other atoms in the Zn binding site number 6 of PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3 within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

SG C:CYS560 2.3 64.9 1.0
SG C:CYS585 2.3 58.8 1.0
SG C:CYS573 2.3 56.7 1.0
SG C:CYS580 2.3 55.9 1.0
CB C:CYS573 2.8 56.7 1.0
CB C:CYS580 2.9 55.9 1.0
CA C:CYS580 3.0 55.9 1.0
CB C:CYS585 3.3 58.8 1.0
ZN C:ZN805 3.5 101.6 1.0
CB C:CYS560 3.8 64.9 1.0
ZN C:ZN804 4.0 100.2 1.0
N C:CYS580 4.0 55.9 1.0
N C:CYS560 4.1 64.9 1.0
C C:CYS580 4.1 55.9 1.0
N C:ASP581 4.2 54.6 1.0
O C:GLU579 4.3 51.7 1.0
CA C:CYS573 4.3 56.7 1.0
CA C:CYS560 4.4 64.9 1.0
C C:GLU579 4.5 51.7 1.0
CA C:CYS585 4.6 58.8 1.0
SG C:CYS566 4.6 51.1 1.0
C C:GLY559 4.8 65.0 1.0
N C:CYS573 4.8 56.7 1.0
SG C:CYS588 4.9 62.6 1.0
SG C:CYS571 4.9 55.8 1.0
CA C:GLY559 5.0 65.0 1.0

Zinc binding site 7 out of 7 in 8vmi

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Zinc binding site 7 out of 7 in the PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Zinc with other atoms in the Zn binding site number 7 of PRC2_AJ119-450 Bound to H3K4ME3 within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

CB C:CYS286 2.1 66.2 1.0
SG C:CYS286 2.3 66.2 1.0
ND1 C:HIS297 2.3 70.3 1.0
SG C:CYS294 2.3 66.0 1.0
CG C:HIS297 2.8 70.3 1.0
CB C:HIS297 2.8 70.3 1.0
CB C:CYS294 3.2 66.0 1.0
CE1 C:HIS297 3.4 70.3 1.0
CA C:CYS286 3.5 66.2 1.0
C C:CYS286 4.0 66.2 1.0
CD2 C:HIS297 4.0 70.3 1.0
CB C:ARG288 4.2 58.0 1.0
CA C:HIS297 4.2 70.3 1.0
NE2 C:HIS297 4.3 70.3 1.0
N C:ARG288 4.3 58.0 1.0
N C:CYS289 4.4 62.4 1.0
O C:CYS286 4.4 66.2 1.0
N C:ARG287 4.5 65.3 1.0
SG C:CYS289 4.6 62.4 1.0
N C:HIS297 4.6 70.3 1.0
O C:HIS297 4.6 70.3 1.0
CA C:CYS294 4.6 66.0 1.0
N C:CYS286 4.6 66.2 1.0
CA C:ARG288 4.7 58.0 1.0
C C:HIS297 4.7 70.3 1.0
CD C:ARG288 4.8 58.0 1.0
CG C:ARG288 4.8 58.0 1.0


T.Cookis, A.Lydecker, P.Sauer, V.Kasinath, E.Nogales. Structural Basis For the Inhibition of PRC2 By Active Transcription Histone Posttranslational Modifications. To Be Published.
Page generated: Sun Feb 9 00:52:53 2025

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